Meet Alison Taylor, Ethical Systems’ New Executive Director
Over the years I’ve found it common, interviewing people, to hear that their line of work wasn’t what they envisioned for themselves. A game theorist I spoke to not too long ago, for example, had...
View ArticleIs There a Problem with Meaningful Work?
The eminent philosopher Bertrand Russell, who died exactly 50 years ago at the impressive age of 97, once penned a polemic lauding laziness. Beginning on a humorous note—he wrote of having hopes that,...
View ArticleFive Takeaways from the Luanda Leaks
In 2013, National Security Agency contractor Edward Snowden leaked a large volume of highly classified information to investigative journalists, inspiring a new generation of whistleblowers. Since...
View ArticleThe Case for Diversifying the Prototypical Leader
Earlier this month, the commercial real-estate company WeWork, tarnished by financial implosion, hired as its new CEO an industry veteran, Sandeep Mathrani, who’s handled some remarkable turnarounds....
View ArticleWhen Surveillance Is Self-Defeating
In February, Barclays Bank in the United Kingdom announced that it would end a staff-monitoring scheme after the Trades Union Congress accused the bank of using “dystopian Big Brother employment...
View ArticleWhat Management Model Best Stems the Spread of COVID-19?
After reaching pandemic proportions, the novel coronavirus is a perfect example of a high conduct-risk challenge. The rate at which COVID-19 will continue to spread will largely depend on how people...
View ArticleThe Philosopher-for-Hire Who Says Meaningful Work Is an Illusion
Over the last decade, Andrew Taggart has made a name for himself. Outlets like Quartz and Big Think have described him as a gadfly-for-hire, a practical philosopher who offers his conversational and...
View ArticleThe C.R.A.P. Framework for Addressing Workplace Bullshit
Call me naive but I was shocked as an undergraduate to see, in a serious book about George Orwell, an unserious profanity preceding the table of contents. Within the first few pages I read that the...
View ArticleThe Value of Psychological Flexibility During a Pandemic
The COVID-19 pandemic, and our response to it, has foisted considerable uncertainty into the personal and professional lives of humans across the planet. Lockdowns, travel restrictions, physical...
View ArticleHow Leaders Help People Find Real Hope in the Face of a Pandemic
Like many leaders, my clients are scrambling to adapt to this new “virtual reality” of uncertainty brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic. And now physical distancing will continue through the end of...
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